10 Myths on the flat stomach in which you should no longer believe, according to science

Many individuals dream of sporting a flat stomach;And they give themselves all the means to get there before summer: food rebalancing, physical exercise ... All efforts are deployed and they end up paying one day.

However, since they are not at all nutrition or sport professionals, they do not necessarily know how to do it in the most effective way that is.

10 mythes sur le ventre plat auxquels vous ne devriez plus croire, selon la science

Admittedly, they inquire as they can on the question, but are sometimes flooded with unnecessary advice and non -proven received ideas on obtaining this flat stomach so much desired.More than generating the waste of time, it can seriously harm their health.

What are these insane myths circulating on abdominal fat and obtaining a flat stomach?Professionals dismantle the most "popular" of them.

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