Olivier Vérot Olivier Vérot14 February 2015 Share:
The most sought -after cosmetic brands on Baidu, the main search engine for the Chinese web, are:
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Lacome. Très en avance sur le marché des cosmétiques de luxe en Chine, Lacome (groupe L’Oréal) a ouvert un premier magasin à Hangzhou en 1997 et a rapidement connu le succès.The brand has been able to stay close to its customers with products available in the most distant regions of China. L’ouverture d’un site de e-commerce et sa participation sur les plateformes de e-commerce tels Tmall permettent à Lacome de toucher encore davantage de consommateurs chinois.Estee Lauder.Thanks to an essential presence on the Chinese Internet, this beauty brand quickly ranked at the top.By buying a space dedicated to brands on the Chinese search engine Baidu, it ensured its presence in the top of the SERP [1] for a large number of keywords.Even if this technique remains very effective, it returns very expensive to brands, around 10,000 euros per month.Shiseido.Originally from Japan, the brand founded in 1957 has traveled many ways since its creation.Entering the Chinese market 30 years ago, it was very successful and quickly developed.Its customer advice strategy on the use of products to customers has greatly contributed to this success. En misant sur des produits adaptés aux peaux chinoises, réputées différentes de celle des occidentaux,Shiseido a su séduire et satisfaire de nombreuse consommatrices chinoises.Osiao. Marque asiatique haut de gamme aux teintes orientales conçue par le groupeEstee Lauder. Du choix du nom à la conception du produit en passant par l’emballage,Estee Lauder a misé sur un style adapté à l’Asie pour promouvoir ce produit.The claims are centered on the revelation of light in the skin by emphasizing a clear, white, much sought after complexion of Chinese women.Chanel.Very well known for its perfumes, the French brand capitalizes on the concept of prestige. C’est exactement ce que les chinoises recherchent et elles sont très fières de pouvoir montrer leurs bouteillesChanel n°5.Magic Holding.This facial mask mask company is a huge success.Masks, considered as the basic tool for skin care, are very popular with Chinese women.Clarins. Marque française crée en 1954,Clarins se spécialise dans les soins du visage et du corps.His choice of aggressive strategy in order to take market share led her to open a store in Shanghai in 2011.Its social strategy is oriented towards very effective digital marketing, but its referencing strategy by purchase of keywords on Baidu is quite reduced.Skii. Marque japonaise crée par Procter & Gamble en 1980,Skii est énormément appréciée en Chine notamment grâce à l’image des produits japonais.Indeed, the Chinese consider them as more advanced products than the others.In addition, they think that Japanese skin is similar to theirs.Olay. Achetée en 1985 par Procter & Gamble,Olay vise une large clientèle avec des produits peu chers accessibles à tous. Même siOlay est synonyme de fiabilité aux yeux des Chinois, la marque est prise en tenaille entre les marques locales jouant sur le marché du bas de gamme et celles du luxe adoptant des stratégies plus agressives.However, this brand is classified among the most popular in China in terms of number of research on Baidu.Inoherb. Marque créée en 2000 par Mme Feng Shuai,Inoherb est rapidement devenue une marque importante.She advocates beauty from the inside.With its average range positioning, it has managed to retain its customers, often from the middle class and has good SEO on Baidu.
Popularity on Chinese search engines is translated directly into better image and better visibility in China.It is difficult for newcomers to Chinese industry to gain market share without appearing in the first results of Baidu.Good referencing in China is the key to increasing the confidence of potential customers who will thus be more inclined to buy products from a given brand, whether small or large.
Voir en ligne : www.marketingtochina.comNotes
[1] Serp = Search Engine Results Page
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